Welcome to Warrington Speak Up!

At Warrington Speak Up we promote a society that is inclusive, celebrating who people are and valuing the contributions they make. We treat everyone as an individual, trying to see things from your perspective and offering support that is right for you.

If an important decision is being made about your life, we will stand by you, give a voice and make sure your views and wishes are heard. By understanding you as an individual, we work hard to protect your rights and what matters most to you.

Our aim is to help you make sense of your options, think about the consequences, make an informed decision and have the confidence to express your views. At Warrington Speak Up we believe that advocacy matters and makes a difference in people’s lives.

Our Passion

Advocacy may look different, but our passion and belief in a voice for all, rights for all, equality for all and justice for all remains as strong as ever.

Advocacy delivery during Covid-19

Advocacy has never been more important. It is the people who already found it harder to have their voices heard, who have been disadvantaged the most from the coronavirus restrictions we have all faced.

Advocacy may look different, but our passion to provide support to those who most need it remains the same. All our team are working creatively to ensure we continue to provide quality advocacy services. Our aim is to help people stay connected, have their voice heard, rights upheld and to remain safe.

We are still accepting advocacy referrals, delivering project work and, where it is safe to do so, meeting people face to face. Protecting rights and amplifying voices is more important now than ever before.

Check out new #advocacyprinciples on how advocacy organisations are rising to the challenge of coronavirus.

Advocacy Principles

  • We will make sure that people are heard, and their rights are respected.
  • We will communicate effectively and safely meet with people in person.
  • We will make sure that people can access advocacy.
  • We will take positive anti-discrimination action.
  • We will work together to promote systemic change.

Please click the boxes below to find out how we can continue to support you.

person using a laptop

How to Refer

Making a referral is easy.

Jigsaw puzzle pieces

Self Help

Find out about our self-help resources to help you advocate for yourself.

Covid 19 virus


Find out about resources to help you keep safe.

multi-ethnic young adults' hands

Get Involved

Find out how you can get involved in self-advocacy and mental health engagement.

Latest News

Come and get involved, have some fun and look after your mental health

30th April 2021

Self-advocates have the opportunity to participate in a new series of fun, interactive and creative workshops, aimed at supporting people with a learning disability to look after their mental health through the 5 ways to wellbeing.

Do you have a recent experience of mental health services in Warrington?

25th April 2021

As part of our mental health engagement work Warrington Speak Up are facilitating weekly Zoom drop-ins to provide an opportunity for people to have their say around mental health services. All information gathered will be anonymised and shared confidentially local decision makers. Your views, insight and experiences can help to shape and improve services.

Get Warrington Talking

20th April 2021

Get Warrington Talking is a new local initiative, supported by Warrington Speak Up, aiming to end the stigma and discrimination around mental health in Warrington.